
Of Comfort

Photo by Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels.com
Of Comfort

Of comforters there many be: 

The Quilt, 
The Cat.

The Dog,
And Hat. 

The Fire,
The Choir,

The Coffee, 
And Tea.

The Stew,
The Loo,

The Pub,
The Pillow.

The Back rub,
And Willow.

The Hug,
The Tree.

But most of all,

The Kiss from thee.



Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels.com


It has taken me a good long while
To whittle it down,
This carving of truth:

Old is worse than sick
Because there is no medicine
Or cure for old.

She sits before me, eyes of kindness.
Perfect starched white coat,
Stethoscope perched a shoulder,

Her learning mountainous, still fresh,
But experience teaches too,
Hers not yet complete.

2023 j


Photo by George Sharvashidze on Pexels.com


Oh, Dewey Decimal System, aisle and shelf.
Black and white TV, relic of past.

Encylopedia, stuff to learn.
Telephone the wall, how droll.

Tin lunch box gone to school, thermos of milk.
Crooner Bing on radio, missing you.

Hide and seek, ready or not!.
Cowboys at Saturday matinee, into sunset.

Letters in the box, flag up or down.
Bent arm out the car window, left or right?

Oh, icy Coke a summer day, ten cents enough.


Spring’s Promise

Photo by Petr Ganaj on Pexels.com

Spring's Promise Kept

At a certain moment in time,
triggered each year by mystery
unsolved, unsolved, unsolved,
too much for words of rhyme,

defiant daffodils emerge,
look about and push,
upward, upward, upward,
toward warmth’s pledge,

and adoring eyewitnesses
of the lovely serpentine
dance, dance, dance,
to music of eternal promises

and wriggle free of
winter’s cold and clinging
grave, grave, grave,
once more reborn with love.


Childhood Proper

Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels.com

Childhood Proper

Is filled with friendship.
With seasons,
And happy chatter.

Moms and Dads,
Grampas and Grammas,
Aunties and Uncles.

Giggles and laughter,
Books and pets,
Art and music.

Cookies and cakes,
Fun and friends,
And school, of course.

Scrapes and falls,
With nurses and doctors,
Tears, and hugs.

Brimming with love.